Friday, November 30, 2007

Downloadable audio books

Mum tells me that audio books have been steadily gaining in popularity, and not just for the vision impaired. She says that many library patrons now like to listen to them during long car trips. I just like to listen to a story while my paws are kept free for other things, like having a bath. 'Multi-tasker' is my middle name. Just recently Mum and I visited the World eBook site and listened to The little match girl from the Gutenberg Collection. By purchasing downloadable audiobooks libraries could have vast collections of them without having to worry about storage or the audiobooks being damaged (they are very expensive!). Libraries could also use this technology to make rare titles publicly available without the fear of damage to the hardcopy. It could be a great preservation tool!!. While I do enjoy listening to audiobooks sometimes, I still think nothing is better than curling up with the hardcopies of my favourite books. Audiobooks definitely have their place, but in my opinion they will never fully replace the printed versions.

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